Earned Skills vs Learned Skills of the Boardroom
In this month’s ONE THING, Paul Smith looks at how we might better judge and nurture our learned skills, not just earned skills.
“Many boards are forced to recruit non-qualified directors to their boards even though most of them make a qualification a pre-requite. On the face of it, and if there was good work done to create a "screener" for candidates, this wouldn't be a problem. However, I believe the system of governance education is inherently flawed.”

Q&A with Jim Birch - How to land a board role and make an impact once you’re there.
Jim has lived what we at FDI preach – empathetic, inclusive, emotionally intelligent and modern board leadership. So we were enthused to sit down with him and ask a few questions about how to land a board role, and make an impact once you’re there.

Widening the way in
As we know, the typical gateway into the corporate boardroom is through the C-Suite (CEO, CFO etc.) This means boards are always pulling from the same pool. So if the makeup of the C-Suite doesn’t change, neither will the boardroom.

How to spot a Future Director
Technology’s growing. Society’s shifting. Economies are morphing. The business world and real world are blurring together. With lots of change (but also promise) on the horizon, boards need a new kind of board director fit to tackle it and lead their organisations into a fairer, safer, smarter future.

The top 7 critical mistakes young people make when looking for a board role
The top 5 critical mistakes young people make when looking for a board role